Ever Wondered What's The Deal With That Crazy Looking "Ballet Boot" ?! — ShoeQUEENDOM

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Ever Wondered What's The Deal With That Crazy Looking "Ballet Boot" ?!

Ever Wondered What's The Deal With That Crazy Looking "Ballet Boot" ?!

A mini shoe history lesson ::

These incredibly high heeled shoes that you literally cannot walk in first emerged during the time of "Fetishism" in 19th-century England. Victorian repression and prudery generated new outlets for sexual oppression, and at that time even a mere glimpse of a woman's ankle was cause for arousal. 

Tight Lacing, as seen in this particular shoe below, excited desire not only because of its restraining effect but also because of its promise to release. These extreme "ballet," or "tip-toe" boots were not intended for walking; rather, they were used as costumes that set the stage for elaborate role-playing.

Louboutin's version of the 19th Century "Fetish" Ballerina Boot

Louboutin's version of the 19th Century "Fetish" Ballerina Boot

Ballerina Boot originally created in the 19th century.

Ballerina Boot originally created in the 19th century.

Ballerina Boot originally created in the 19th century.

Ballerina Boot originally created in the 19th century.

So, I really wonder what the heck this chick is doing in the video below.  If she is not a proffessional point-toe ballerina, then she is ruining her feet or otherwise has some super power I don't know about. Anyway.. Ummm, no thanks. My feet don't want to even try.  To that I say, BYE FELICIA!

(Source: "Shoes" by Linda O'Keeffe.)

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